Ginger Coffee, Today Tomorrow, Ph^2

dip your toes in below

Ginger Coffee…?

Forget ginger beer.

Forget your green vegetable powder.

Forget your vision board. It’s Monday and it’s America bitch.

Words cannot express organic peeled ginger brewed with french press coffee. I would have never done this if I wasn’t phone phasting. Add some oat milk and it weirdly tastes like sushi.

Dive in! Godspeed Sailor.

Today /\ Tomorrow

1 Today = 2 Tomorrows

Benny Frank in his “Poor Richard’s Almanac”

Ever tell yourself…

  • “I’ll start that by the first of next month” 

  • “When this crazy work project is over I’ll……” 

  • “Between semesters i’ll learn how to DJ” 

  • “Over the holidays I’ll clean the fridge and cabinets”

Bro it never happened.

Temet Nosce

Take this moment, this day, to accept this.

Acceptance is 1st.

Building the muscle that overcomes procrastination is one of the strongest mental muscles in existence. 

Building the muscle that overcomes limbic friction is one of the strongest mental muscles in existence.

This muscle was not unidentified until recently and is called the anterior mid singular cortex. Made famous by Andrew Huberman.

Phone Phasting = Psychedelic

I once heard psychedelics defined as anything mind-manifesting.

Truly and deeply imagine this: each time you checked notifications after a short bout of physical reality, you took a micro key bump of a caffeine-addy spliff. 

Okay…now you are addicted af to caffeine and addy. That's a lot of years of daily use man! Don't they say anything too much isn't good? Too much of anything isn't good?

So! When have you turned this bitch off for an extended period of time motherfucker?

Do you love your innate abilities? It’s hard to love something that hasn’t existed for X years.

The same principle goes with habitual caffeine consumption.

It’s not about eradicating these amazing things in modern life (smart phone usage and sweet, sweet caffeine ingestion). It’s about auditing them and rendezvousing with the natural and inherent YOU.

Soon, I will structurally share facets of phone phasting to elevate human life on Earth 🌎