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  • Charging /\ PE, The Meaning of Life, Deep Prayer

Charging /\ PE, The Meaning of Life, Deep Prayer

Potential Energy

The Meaning of Life

“I think it is the (perpetual and optimal) balance of: 

zooming in and focusing on the micro, focused on the present, then

zooming out to reflect on the macro from up above.” 

Dr. Andrew Huberman (2023 episode on the Lex Fridman Show)

Presence is the present

“The meaning of life is…

…figuring out what the meaning of life is.”

Naval Ravikant

Deep Intentional Prayers

Weekday anthems

Please help me not submit to the urges from a lesser self, and more importantly, help me sacrifice thus suffer to be an extension of divinity and the spirit amongst us on Earth. Thus, please help me disassociate with “I am too tired”, “I need (this/that)”, and any victim mindset. 

Please help me focus on present tasks, present work, present moments, and the people in my presence. Please allow this to lead to objective patience, juicing life as it is, whether this leg of the journey is bad decent good or great.

God.speed baby

*For select phrases/words, I pause deliberately to enhance intention, and allow this selected mere thought diffuse into my subconscious. There is no place for doubt. There is no place for hesitation. In purely magical ways, this level of intention finds ways into enhancing future reality. The axis of time is bent.

Charging /\ Potential Energy

Potential Energy (PE) finds its way into almost all areas of physics. Within the nuclear, chemical, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical realm, energy can be stored and tapped into in the future portion of reality.

Short Term Charging (STC) builds potential energy to release for a future you not too far away.

  • Resisting the urge to play euphoria-inducing songs. You say “no” in the present, charge the PE, then the future experience is a net increase from the urge resisted (the limbic friction overcame) in the present.

  • Resisting the urge to consume various mild substances day by day, charging thus enhancing the eventual experience of them. Use don’t abuse baby.

STC is very effective to attenuate both urges and eagerness. It can align your week with proper blocking techniques to leverage your human state of mind and circadian cycles. There is a particular self trust here. Trusting the inner voice to practice patience, that the more optimal moment will come for what is desired. Don’t submit to the urges!! You got this :)

Medium Term Charging (MTC) works a different patience muscle in the mind:

  • Recovery from injury, solidarity between relationships, recovery from sickness, living without a roommate, living with a roommate, seasonal climate changes.

  • Temporary spiritual cloggage from inability to exercise passions and hobbies (broken guitar, no studio access, broken bicycle). I’ve been out of a constantly available studio for a few months now and all this PE is gonna explode into a big WAV of songs.

  • Wisely delaying projects, pursuits, curiosities.

As you can imagine, the longer you are in absence of something, the longer it charges. The elastic potential energy is similar to a spring.

Everyone is different (representing k in this formula).

Replace x with time.

F = kx

Hooke’s Law; where the force is proportional to the length of stretch or compression x and the spring constant k